옷과 머리 & 마르코 방콕대회 와일드카드
N...ovak Djokovic: The black shirts work. They looked sharp, matched his rebel persona, and he played his best at the Australian and U.S. Opens when he donned black. Was it any coincidence that he looked overwhelmed against Federer in the U.S. Open semis while wearing white? Yes, it probably was. But Adidas should continue to outfit him in black - he looks good.
Speaking of Djokovic, here's an early prediction – he will end the 2009 season as the No. 1 or No. 2 player in the world. Djokovic hits the ball so well, has every shot, and is just beginning to hit his stride when Federer – and maybe even Nadal next year – have finally begun to allow other players to win big tournaments.
- 정말 검정색 옷 입고 진 적은 한번도 없었지? 바꿔말하면 저녁 경기에선 진적이 없었다는 뜻?
- 내년 예상 부분은 흠~ Peter Bodo. 대체로 놀레한테 늘 긍정적인 예상을 많이해주신 분이라 ^^;
## 전문가의 손길로 다듬어진 놀레의 머리였다능ㅎㅎ
On the third floor, near the gym, you'll find Julien Farel, a Frenchman who typically charges $550 for an updo in his Madison Avenue salon, which is frequented by the likes of Paris Hilton. He sets up a miniaturized version of his operation here and gives free haircuts to players. In exchange, he gets word-of-mouth buzz. He also gets challenges, such as the head of Novak Djokovic, the third-ranked men's player in the world.
"I really wanted to cut his hair last year, when he reached the final, but when I got in touch with his agent, he had just had a haircut," says Farel, who speaks with an accent magnifique. "And his hair was very square, very flat. I thought, 'Oh, that is over. You need a change.' So he came here, a few nights ago, at 7 o'clock-- and we close at 6. And he said, 'Can you cut me?' And I said, 'Of course. For you, we are open.' "
It took an hour. "Hair like a porcupine," says Farel, waving his hands around his head.
- 세줄 요약 : Julien Farel이라는 헤어스타일리스트가 US오픈 대회 건물안에서 작은 헤어샵을 설치해놓고 무료 서비스를 해주었는데 놀레 머리에 '도전'할 기회도 얻었다는 것. 지난해에도 해주고 싶었으나 자른지 얼마안돼서 못했다고하고. 자르는데 한시간(씩이나)걸렸는데 고슴도치 같았대ㅠㅠ
- 클로즈업된 사진보면 생각보다 부드러워 보이던데 전문가의 평이 저렇다면 반론의 여지가 없겠다. 부모님도 마르크도 다 멀쩡한걸 혼자만 왜~ 이런 건 닮아도 돼;; (죠제는 위험해보임;;)
- 사핀이나, 쏭가나 줄줄이 머리를 자르고 나오길래 뉴욕에 좋은 헤어샵 있다는 소문이 락커룸에 돌고있나 장난삼아 이야기했더니 사실은 다 이 분 덕?
## Danai and baby Djoker receive Thailand Open wildcards
Seventeen-year-old Marko hopes to emulate his elder brother’s success in world tennis and a Thailand Open wildcard just might be his lucky charm. Novak received a wildcard into the event in 2004 for only his third ATP Tour event and has never looked back. Marko competed in the Australian Open qualifying at the beginning of the year but this will be his first main draw appearance and tennis observers are expecting big things from the “baby Djoker”.
- 2004년 방콕 대회 결과 (더블폴트 12개 -_-;)
- 방콕대회 참가 선수 명단 28드로 대회라고 절대 편하게 생각할게 아닐세 -0-;;
- 놀레는 어떤 인연으로 2004년에 와일드카드를 다 얻었을까 신기하다. 어쨌든 형은 챌린저대회 성적이 계속 좋았고 앞 두번의 본선은 자력으로 예선을 뚫은 것과 비교하면 첫 본선진출이 와일드카드라는 건 그리 달가운 소식은 아니네. 예선있는 대회면 예선 참가 와일드카드 정도면 충분했을텐데 냉정하게 말하면 부당하다는 생각도 들고 -0-;; 고생이야 되겠지만 바닥부터 자기 힘으로 밟아가면 어떤식으로든 보상받게 돼있다고 믿기때문에 이런 와일드카드는 챌린저대회에서 제대로된 경험 쌓기 전까지 다시는 없기를~;; 성적을 기대하는 건 어차피 무리고 터무니없는 와일드카드는 되지않도록 충실한 경기 부탁해. (1/27의 확률을 뚫고 형이랑 1라운드에서 만나는 일은 없겠지?ㅎㅎ)