Q. 지난해엔 첫번째로 탈락, 올해엔 첫번째 준결승 진출자다. 올해의 약진에 대해 기쁘게 생각하는가
A. 네, 행복하고 말구요. 준결승 진출은 저에게 대단한 성과고, 남은 경기를 편한하게 치를 수 있게 해주겠죠. 하지만 코트에서 말씀드린 것처럼, 매 경기가 중요합니다. 그래서 비록 우리 둘 모두 잃을게 많지 않지만 쏭가를 상대로도 이기기 위해 최선을 다할거구요. 저는 이미 준결승 진출권을 획득했고 그에겐 가능성이 남아있지 않으니 결과 자체(result-wise?)가 그다지 중요한 것은 아니지만 이곳에선 모든 경기가 중요합니다.
Q. 2세트 초반에 심리적으로 무슨 일이 있었던 건가? 확실히 첫세트와 달랐는데
A. 굉장히 긴장을 해서 1세트, 2세트 모두 세트 초반에 약간 흔들렸어요. 이미 제 첫 서비스 게임을 브레이크 당했구요. 이런 건 자주 일어나선 안되는 일이고 특히나 이런 대회에선 더욱 그래요. 하지만 잘 극복해 이렇게 경기를 이겼다는 것에 대해 일단 기쁘게 생각합니다. 어디에서 경기를 하든 다비덴코는 정말 어려운 상대에요. 베이스라인 가까이에 머물면서 공격적인 플레이를 선호하죠. 그가 좋은 리듬을 탈 때엔 투어에서 가장 상대하기 까다로운 선수 중의 한명입니다. 그는 코트 안으로 더 가까이 들어와 자신의 기회를 이용했어요. 하지만 2세트에서 저는 평소 제 모습이 아니었고 의욕을 잃는 바람에 아주 나쁜 경기를 했어요. 0-6으로 그 세트를 잃는 건 3세트를 맞이하는 상황에서 좋지 못한 일인데 3세트 1-0에서 약간의 행운이 따랐어요. 하지만 그때부터 중요한 상황에서 서브가 좋았고 그게 중요한 부분이죠.
Q. 첫 경기 후에, 비록 한 경기도 이기지 못했지만 지난해 경험에서 많은 것을 배웠다고 했다. 그 부분에 대해 더 자세히 이야기해 줄 수 있나? 지난해와 올해 아주 달라보이기 때문에 어떤 것을 배웠는지 궁금하다.
A. 그렇게 많은 경기를 지면 안된다는 걸 배웠죠.(웃음) 매 대회, 매 경기가 새로운 경험이고 새로운 도전이지만 또 있는 사실 그대로 받아들이면서 주어진 결과로부터 최선의 것을 취하도록 해야해요. 한 세트조차 이기지 못했으니 지난해 결과가 저에겐 그다지 유쾌하지 못했지만 경험이라는 걸 얻었고 올해는 또 다른 상황이에요. 그랜드슬램 우승자이자 더 성숙하고 정신적으로 체력적으로 더 강해진 선수로 오게됐으니까요. 더 많은 확신을 갖고 스스로에 대해 더 큰 믿음을 갖게될 때, 또한 체력적으로 더 잘 쉬고 준비된 상황이라면, 보다 원활하게 일이 진행되기 마련이구요.
Q. 다음 상대인 쏭가에 대해 이야기 해보자. 그는 지금 당신의 지난해 결과를 반복할 기로에 있다. 지난해 이야길 계속 해서 미안하지만 A. 당연히 지난해 제가 했던 것과 같은 결과를 내고 싶어하지 않겠죠. 지난 두 경기에서 약간 운이 따라주지 않았어요. 3세트에서 7-6으로 졌고 오늘은 두번의 타이브레이에서 졌구요. 좋은 경기를 했는데 몇몇의 순간에 실수가 있었으니 기분이 좋지는 않을 겁니다. 달리 생각해보면 부상으로 어려운 상황이 있었고, 파리 대회를 우승하면서 체력적으로 더 지친 경기를 했을 거에요. 지금 어떤 기분인지 알죠. 지난해 첫 두 경기를 지면서 준결승에 진출할 기회가 전혀 없게 됐지만 여전히 세번째 경기는 이기고 싶었어요. 쏭가 역시 같은 마음으로 임할거라고 예상합니다.
Q. 현재의 금융 위기에 대한 당신의 의견이 궁금하다. 내년 시즌에 어떻게 작용할 것 같나, 당신의 가족은 실제로 나서서 대회 하나를 구하기도 했는데 A. 금융 위기는 전세계적인 문제고 분명 테니스계에도 영향을 미칠 거에요. 하지만 제 일은 코트에서 경기를 이기는 것이기 때문에 이런 문제는 제가 그렇게 깊이 생각해온 주제는 아니에요. 경기를 이김으로써 다른 부수적인 것들이 오는 거니까요. 그래서 다가올 시즌에 그렇게 큰 영향을 미칠 거라고는 생각하지 않아요. 물론 개인적으론 금융 상황이란 건 늘 걱정해야하는 문제죠. 누구나 자신의 재산에 대해선 관심을 갖고있고 안전한 곳에 두고 싶어하니까. 지난 몇달간 세계적으로 좋지못한 상황으로 가고 있는데 조만간 안정될 거라고 확신합니다.
Q. 큰 뉴스가 있었다. 한 영국 신문에 의하면 코소보 문제와 관련해서 당신이 거의 납치될 뻔했다는 소문이 있는데 사실인가? 아니면 이 문제에 대해 할 이야기가 있나? A. 그 문제에 관해선 전혀 이야기하고 싶지 않네요.
Q. 전혀? A. 네.
며칠 전에 나온 실제 납치 위협이 있었다는 기사
(기사 출처가 세르비아와 그다지 좋은 관계가 아닌 크로아티아 언론이라 신뢰도가 떨어진다고 보는 팬-그쪽 사정에 어느 정도 익숙한-들이 많긴 하더라. 그러면 다행이고)
영국 정보부는 알바니아 극단론자들이 노박 조코비치를 납치하려고 했다는 사실을 밝혔다. 그것이 세르비아에서 그가 특별경찰경호를 받은 이유라고.
"지금은 물론 앞으로도 절대 코소보 알바니아계와 그들의 세르비아 남쪽 지역의 독립 선언 움직임에 대해 이해하지 않을 것입니다." 조코비치는 코소보의 독립선언 후 얼마되지 않아 이런 발언을 했었다.
조코비치는 2라운드에서 사핀에게 한 수 배우며 올해 윔블던에서 그다지 좋은 기억을 갖고 있지 않다. 영국 정보부는 알바니아 극단론자과 관련해 그를 따로 불러 상황 설명과 함께 주의를 주었다. (윔블던 때 이랬다는 거겠지? 휴...) 노박이 코소보에 방문해 앰뷸런스를 기부(아마도 이때)하면서 그는 그들에게 nuisance(공적? 일종의 공적인 방해자 정도의 의미)로 간주되었다. 그것이 우리가 그 위협을 심각하게 받아들인 이유다-라고 세르비아 내부무의 한 고위 관직자는 전했다. Serbian Press는 조코비치가 세르비아에 머물때마다 테러방지부대가 경호해왔다는 정보를 밝혔으며 노박은 상당한 애국심을 가진 사람이고 마땅히 그럴 자격이 있는만큼 앞으로도 그런 보호를 받게될 것이라고 내무부 관계자는 확인했다.
: 아나랑 옐레나 홈페이지는 해킹하면서 왜 정작 놀레쪽은 조용한가 했는데 사이트 해킹과는 비교도 안되는 위험한 일이 뒤에서 있었던 거였어. 늦게나마 밖으로 이렇게 알려진 걸 보면 상황이 더 나아졌다는 뜻이겠지? 테니스에 가족에 나라까지 어린 나이에 이걸 어떻게 다 감당하는지..
Q. First out last year and first in semifinals this year. Do you feel happy right now with the breakthrough of this year?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, for sure I'm happy. It's a great achievement for me, going through the semifinals, of course, which kind of gives me a relief of the upcoming match.
But as I said on the court, every match is important, so I will try to win against Tsonga even though we both have not much to lose. I already qualify and he has no chance of qualifying, so result-wise it's not really important.
But as I said, every match is crucial here.
Q. What went through your mind at the start of the second set? Obviously a big difference to what went on in the first set.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I was quite nervous and a bit shaky on the start of the match, in the first set and the second set as well. I was a break down already on the first service games I played.
This is something that shouldn't be happening that often, especially at events like that. But I managed to come back, and I'm just happy to win the matches like this.
Davydenko is a really difficult opponent wherever you play him. He stays close on the baseline and likes to play aggressive. If he's in a good rhythm, then he's one of the toughest opponents on the tour. He was stepping in and using his opportunities, but I just wasn't myself in that second set and I lost that desire and played very bad.
So losing the set 6-Love is not a good thing if you're coming into the third set. I was a bit lucky in 1-0 in the third set, but then served well in the important moments. That's all that matters.
Q. After the first match you said you learned so much from last year, even though you didn't win a match. Could you please elaborate a bit? What did you learn from last year's experience, because we see a big difference between two years?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I learned I shouldn't lose that many matches. But every event you play and every match you play is a new experience and a new challenge, and you just have to accept it that way and take the best out of it.
So last year wasn't that much fun for me, haven't won a single set. But I gained that experience. It's different this year, because I'm coming here as a Grand Slam winner and more matured player, stronger mentally and physically on the court.
When you have more confidence and believe more in yourself, and of course, you're physically well-rested and fit for challenges, then things are going more smoothly.
Q. Some comments or your next opponent, Tsonga, because he's at edge of repeating what you have been through last year. I'm sorry we keep talking about that.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, well, he certainly doesn't want to finish the way I finished last year. He was a bit unlucky in those two matches, lost 7-6 in the third and now two tiebreaks today. He was playing well, but just in the certain moments he made some unforced errors, so he certainly is unhappy a little bit.
But on the other hand, he's been struggling with injuries a little bit, and physically he's maybe a bit tired playing, winning Bercy. But I know what's the feeling. Last year I lost the first two matches. I lost any chance of qualifying for semifinals, but I wanted to win that third match, and I'm expecting the same thing from him.
Q. I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on the financial crisis and how it would pan out moving into the next season, given that your family has actually come out and rescued one of the tournaments. How do you see it pan out?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, financial crises are global, and certainly hit the tennis world as well. But this is not that I've been -- this is not the topic that I've been thinking about that much, because my job is to win the matches on the court. With the winning, all the side things come, you know.
So I don't think it's going to affect that much to the tennis world in the upcoming year. Certainly the financial situation is something that you're worried about always individually. You want to take care of your money. You want to place it in a safe spot.
So the world has gone a bit crazy with the crisis in last couple of months, but I'm sure it's going to stabilize very soon.
Q. Well, big news. There was a rumor reported by the English newspapers that you were almost kidnapped by some people because of the problem in Kosovo. Is that true, or how do you comment about this?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I wouldn't like to comment on that at all.
Q. Anything?
End of FastScripts
Q. You were saying the other day about how you're trying to stay the same for the whole match, not be nervous. How did you do with that today? Looked like you had a good time with a few points, showing more positive emotion on the court. Did you feel like you were having a good time today? NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: Yeah, losing match, no (laughter). But normally, yes. I was all match just try to be the same person - not like Djokovic. Really, I was surprising. He play so good first set, and then like I never see. Just make only mistake, losing 6-Love.
But I know he's coming back. That's was in the third set he try play the same, play very well, and made good serve.
I think for me was I play very well today, but only thing make not so good return today. That's was maybe this is point I losing match.
Q. Do you think Novak's form is good enough to win the whole thing? And also, please comment on your next opponent, also.
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: Yeah, Djokovic interesting player, because like I say, play very well first set, and he play also the same. Like we have the same tennis. He play fast. For me was difficult to control the ball.
Yes, but you never know what's happen. Like if you see in second set he losing 6-Love, and then he just concentration. He's come back. If he play like first set, he can play good, you know, and he can win Masters here.
But for the next match for me, say it's like last match. It's important. If I win, I can qualify. If losing, not. You know, then I go on holiday.
But, uhm, yeah, next player is different. Play also baseline, Del Potro. I see today match. He play very good baseline, but a little bit slow, not like Djokovic. Good serve, but maybe I have more chance make good rally from baseline and maybe play faster.
Q. In the early stages of the second set, did you think Novak was maybe time wasting a little bit?
NIKOLAY DAVYDENKO: I don't know what he did in the second set, really. I was surprising myself, because in beginning second set play okay. But then losing one serve, he start to try to broke racquet, make only mistake. (보일 듯 말 듯한 야릇한 미소를 날리며ㅎㅎ;;)
That's was I start to make so many points, winning points easy. And, yeah, I surprising. But then I know now coming third set, and start from zero, starting again like first set. But Djokovic, yeah, I don't know. If he start to being nervous, he losing games and points. But if he concentration in match, he play very good.
Q. You lost to Tsonga three times. Why? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Because he was playing better.
Q. Any more reasons?
Q. In the third set you lost 1-6. Have you ever considered when you lose this match, you won't get the chance to win all the prize money?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I wasn't thinking about that.
Q. Despite tonight's loss, you seem much more comfortable here this year than last year when you didn't even win a set.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, well, I feel happy because I am through to the semifinal, which was main goal.
I got every match serious and wanted to win this one. He played after -- in the third set especially he played well. I made some unforced errors.
The important thing is that I'm through. I achieved everything I wanted in this tournament. Well, not still. It's not the end. I think I have enough quality to go further.
Q. For about a set and a half you looked like you were playing right at the top level of your game. How would you assess the overall performance?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I just pay attention on the positive things. I know that I played really well in the set and a half, and I had some break balls. Well, he played well on that break balls and served well.
In general, I'm happy. It's not that, okay, after every loss you're maybe a little bit disappointed. But I'm focused on my semifinal match, which is most important.
Q. Last year we saw more of a fun side or joking side to you. This year you seemed more subdued or more serious. Is that something you were conscious about? Can you explain it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, not really. Not too much. Maybe you weren't paying too much attention this year on me. You weren't seeing my practices. We have a lot of fun.
But this is the way I am. I think every person is different individually. Everybody has a different character, personality. Somebody likes to be serious all the time and look at this as a job, and I respect that.
But me, too. You know, when I'm on the court, I try to focus myself as much as I can. And then after, you know, enjoy the life.
Q. There was a pretty girl sitting in the stands beside your coach. Is she your girlfriend? We don't have you ever introduce her in the public.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: She's a Miss Universe of 2006.
Q. If Murray beats Federer tomorrow, it will be the first time ever we don't see Roger in the semifinal in the Masters Cup. Do you think it's going to be a new era for the younger generation to do some big breakthroughs?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, it's good for the sport to see young guys coming up and doing well. Certainly Roger is still one of the best players in the world, even though he was not on the top of his shape this year.
But it's a big challenge for him to come back on the first part of the year. But now the range of the players who are candidates for the top spots of the world is bigger. You have Murray, Tsonga, Del Potro, the younger guys. It's going to be interesting next year.
Q. It seems that Roger and even Rafa, who is not here, Andy Murray, are getting more of the attention this week than yourself. Do you prefer to go under the radar, not be the focus?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yeah. You know, sometimes it's better not to have too much attention because it kind of releases the pressure which you usually have as a big favorite, so you can play maybe a little bit more relaxed.
It's quite important when you're relaxed on the court and you can really perform your best tennis.
Q. You just mentioned you have no pressure, when you don't have all the attention, you will play better. Today Tsonga played better because he got more support from the crowd. Is it because he has no pressure at all because he didn't qualify?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes. You know, I said I was in a quite similar situation last year when I played the third match. I just relaxed and tried to play my best tennis.
But it's not easy. You know, this is the tournament of the best eight players in the world. Every match is difficult. You got to give your best in order to win it.
He had the bigger support of the crowd, but I don't blame them. He's a good player, an interesting player, plays with a lot of emotion. So, yeah, he deserved to win today.