▶ [Round1] 8월 11일 월요일, N. DJOKOVIC/R. Ginepri 6-4, 6-4
Q. I guess that's a nice way to start a tournament like the Olympics. Pretty comfortable result out there. NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I'm happy to get through, obviously, in the first round in straight sets. I was aware of the fact that Ginepri is a tricky player. He took Roger Federer to three sets in Cincinnati last week. We all know this is his favorite surface. He takes the ball very early. He's being aggressive. What I tried is to change the pace and take control of the match. I served really well and I'm really happy with the performance.
Q. How ambitious are you about the gold medal? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, any medal I think in the Olympics for me will be a huge success, even though if I don't make it, you know, just being here is a success as well in general. I'm being surrounded with the best athletes around the world. Gives you a privilege. That means you succeeded in your career, in your life, being in the Olympics, of course, being part of the great show. But I think I have good quality to be one of the favorites, try to fight for the medal. It's Olympics. You know, anything can happen. The court is pretty fast. As you could see, we didn't have much rallies. But I'm happy. I didn't expect to play that well. So hopefully I can win one of the medals for my country.
Q. Is the Olympics what you expected, the opening ceremony, and these first few days? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Usually when you expect the best, and when you expect something extraordinary, usually you get disappointed with something bad going on. But this was more than extraordinary. It's very difficult to describe it with the words, meaning opening ceremony, thinking about that, and about Olympics in general all together. You dine every day with 10,000 people, you know, in the huge area. You exchange experiences. You talk about other sports, something else, just not tennis and things about tennis. So I think this is something that we experience one or maybe just couple of times in our lives. So trying to use this as much as I can.
Q. Some of the other players have been commenting on how other athletes have been approaching them for pictures and autographs. What has been the experience for you? Have you been "mobbed" by other athletes? Have you done it in reverse? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, both. I've tried. I mean, as I said, I've tried to enjoy the experience as much as I can. The opportunities that I have been given to be here and be surrounded with the top athletes is just unique. So it's true that I see, I mean, people like Kipketer, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Yao Ming, all the top athletes in the world. There are few of thousands that I see each day. So, yes, I do ask them for pictures because for me this is the memory which is going to stay in my life forever. And, of course, I do get approached from the other athletes to get asked for the picture. You know, tennis is played 10 months out of 12 in the year at least. So they see a lot of us on the TV obviously. But, yeah, it's a great experience.
▶ [Round3] 8월 13일 수요일, N. DJOKOVIC/M. Youzhny 7-6, 6-3
Q. How did you think you played today? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I started slow. And I think the reason was my late finish last night in doubles. I think I was one of the last players. Our match was really late, I think one of the last matches that finished. I went to bed around 3:30 in the morning. So I was quite tired to start a match. But then I managed to stay. It was very important to win the first set. So after, I really served well and put a lot of pressure on him.
Q. Are you reasonably satisfied with the way you're playing up to now? Also, are you getting more and more used to the heat and humidity?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, I am. Conditions are extreme. We said it on the start. But it's all the same for everybody. I've been playing pretty good tennis so far. I just have some things I need to work on, of course. Not really hundred percent satisfied. But I've played the last two matches as much as I needed to play. Serve is going great, which is an encouraging fact for upcoming matches. As soon as my serve is on a high percentage and a high level of performance, then everything else is going smooth. So it gives me a lot of confidence, and motivation is here, there's no doubt. You know, another couple of matches, dream come true. But I'm going step by step.
Q. Have you got into the business of pin collecting at the Olympics and swapping? If so, who have you been doing it with? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I didn't take it now with me. But it's a nice question, yes. That's one of my hobbies here, pin collecting. I've seen a lot of athletes doing that. I've collected more than probably 50. I'm going slowly (laughter). I really plan to collect more. Yeah, I mean, this is something that I'm going to have till the end of my life. I don't know if I'm going to be able to play an Olympics another time. Who knows what's gonna happen.
Q. You are in the last eight as well as Rafael. I think maybe Federer might be in the last eight. The first three seeds are in the last eight. It's quite different from the last Olympic Games. What happened? Do you not care about the US Open any more? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: What was the last thing you asked?
Q. I'm thinking whether you not think about the US Open. You just try so hard at the Olympics. I wonder why. NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yeah, Olympics is very important to all of us. Obviously you can see that by the performance we're having. You know, in my case, I've said that winning a medal on the Olympics for me would mean like winning a Grand Slam even more. So I'm really trying hard to stay in focus. It's a very hard schedule. Okay, I'm not any more in the doubles, so I'm gonna have a bit easier schedule. I'm going to focus on my singles. I'm in the quarterfinals, playing well so far. So it's not that I'm not thinking about US Open. US Open is coming up and it's a very important event for all of us. But right now, we are living up for the moment and trying to focus for Olympics, which is our priority goal.
Q. You mentioned the doubles, which you don't normally play. Was it the attraction of a medal that got you to play doubles here? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, that was one of the reasons. I wanted to have more options to win a medal. I knew that the schedule is going to be tight for me - but not just for me. All the top players, as you can see, are playing doubles. As I said, you have more options to win the medal. If something happens in the singles, then you have doubles left. I really wanted to go far in the doubles, even though I'm not playing doubles so much. I'm still unexperienced (sic) in that matter. It was unfortunate to finish in the first round.
▶ [QF] 8월 14일 목요일, N.DJOKOVIC/G. Monfils 4-6, 6-1, 6-4
Q. Give a comment about your semifinal. You'll fight against Rafael. Do you have enough confidence to defeat him again after defeating him a week and a half ago? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: The fact is I have enough confidence. Now the question is if I will have enough physical strength to hold on. So it's been exhausting tournament so far for all of us. I came to the semifinal and I'm not gonna think about me being tired or things like that. I pulled out a great match today. Incredible tiring exhausting physically and mentally. But the most important thing is that I won. So I did win last couple of times against Nadal that we played on this surface, so this can be a little advantage for me. But, as I said, you know, it's going to be very close, and hopefully I can get the positive outcome.
▶ [SF] 8월 15일 금요일, R. NADAL/N. Djokovic 6-4, 1-6, 6-4
Q. I know it's a stupid question, but how are you feeling at the moment? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, the loss is something that you never wish to happen to yourself, of course. It doesn't feel great, that's for sure. But a loss is a part of the sport. It was a semifinals, so I had a great tournament so far. Even today I think I played well. You know, the positive side of today's match is that from the second part of the first set and whole second set and partly third, I really played aggressive. This is what I am. This is what my game all about. Hopefully I can use it tomorrow.
Q. You've beaten Rafa four times. But is Rafa a little bit your black beast? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No.
Q. The final shot at the end, I presume you just couldn't believe you missed it? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, well, these shots, you just have to make them, you know, without thinking. My legs stopped and I heard the people screaming during both of the overheads I had. So a bit distractions and the negative outcome.
Q. What has been your experience in the Olympics, playing in this tennis tournament? I know you still have a medal to play for, but tell us what it means to you playing in the Olympics? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's a very special event. I was saying before that a medal here would mean a lot to me. Even if I win a bronze tomorrow, medal is medal. This is something I'm going to remember for all of my life. It's a great event. I mean, in everything in general, 10, 15,000 athletes around the world, the best ones. You can dine with them. You can look other sports. It's an experience of a lifetime. You just try to take the best out of it. There's been some things, let's say, here in this tennis tournament that are really not made me or other players comfortable, playing late for example. Every night I'm going to the bed at 3:30, 4:00 in the morning, you know, not night. The next day I have to play about 5, 6, 7. So this is a bit strange for me. I never experienced that. You know, it's a situation I'm in.
Q. How will you go to sleep today? Will you think of missing the opportunity for the final or will you try to prepare for tomorrow's mission for the bronze medal? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, the thinking about this match is going to stay. That's no doubt, of course. You will always have this being sad feeling. But, again, I have to push myself to think positive and be ready for tomorrow.
Q. There was a big change in momentum from the first to second, then momentum changed back in the third. Was that just one of those things or were there reasons for it? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, you know, I expected him to come back, anyhow, to start playing -- to raise the level of the game. That's why, you know, he's the best in the world now. Obviously he's been playing the best tennis this year. He's mentally very strong player. When you win 6-1 against him, obviously he wants to change something in order to play better the set after. So this is what I expected. I tried to maintain my aggressivity and momentum. I managed to do it but still had some chances. He had some chances. We were holding serves. You know, in that last game, I dropped it.
▶ [BMM] 8월 16일 토요일, N. DJOKOVIC/J. Blake 6-3, 7-6
Q.지금 느낌이 어떤가? N. 정말 정말 정말 행복해요. 어떤 것이든 올림픽에서 메달을 딴다는 건 선수 누구에게나 대단히 큰 성취라고 생각해요. 그런 기회는 그다지 많은 선수들에게 주어지는게 아니니까요. 그리고 저에게 이 동메달은, 여기서 제가 딴 이 건, 금메달처럼 빛나고 있어요. 대회 내내 정말 좋은 경기를 펼쳤다고 생각하거든요.
Q. 그랜드슬램과 비교해서 올림픽같은 대회에 어떤 차이점이 있나 N. 음, 뭐라고 비교할 수 있을까요. -- 이미 말한 것처럼 올림픽에서 메달을 딴다는 건 저에게 대단히 큰 의미를 갖고 있어요. 그랜드슬램 우승을 하는 것만큼 제 테니스 선수 생활에 중요한 부분이구요. 하지만 한편으론 굉장히 다른 이야기에요. 올림픽에선 무엇보다 먼저 당신의 나라를 위해 경기를 하죠. 조국을 대표하는 거구요. 주변 상황들도 아주 달라요. 복식에 참가한다든지하는 식으로 할 수 있는한 많은 기회를 갖으려고 노력하고. 그래야 세계 각국, 각종 스포츠 종목의 정상급 선수들이 함께모여 메달을 위해 경쟁하는, 스포츠에 있어서 가장 긴 역사를 가진 이런 거대한 이벤트에서 메달을 딸 수 있겠죠. 이곳에선 모든 것이 0에서 출발해요. 당신이 세계 1위의 선수든 100위의 선수든 상관없이 모든 선수들이 좋은 결과를 내고자하는 의욕이 충만하니까요.
Q. 이제 US오픈 준비를 하러 가야하는데 지금 컨디션은 어떤가? 나달과 페더러에 대해선 어떤 생각을 갖고 있는지, 페더러가 그의 정점에 닿아있다고 생각하는지 N. 이 동메달로 인해 스스로 굉장히 자극이 됐다고 생각해요. 대회 시작부터 정말 정말 좋은 경기를 펼쳐왔고 준결승전에선 나달에게 이길수도 있었을 좋은 기회를 갖기도 했구요. 정말 많은 정성을 쏟았기 때문에 바로 지금은 제 메달에 대해서만 생각하고, 그것만 즐기고, 또 축하하고 싶어요. 그건 그렇지만 기뻐하고 있을 시간이 많지는 않겠죠. 올해 네번째이자 마지막 그랜드 슬램이 일주일 앞으로 다가와 있고 거긴 제가 정말로 잘 쉬고, 잘 준비해서 좋은 결과를 내야하는 대회니까요. 지난해 결승까지 갔기때문에 방어해야할 포인트도 있는데 느낌은 좋아요. 또 그 코트와 그 분위기를 좋아하구요. 말했듯이 이 메달이 제 사기를 많이 북돋아줄 것 같구요.
Q. 어제 나달을 상대로 큰 경기를 펼쳤다. 나달과 곤잘레스간의 결승에 대한 전망은 N. 두 선수 모두 결승에 갈 자격이 충분하죠. 지난 한 주 내내 정말 좋은 경기를 해왔구요. 음, 곤잘레스는 이미 아테네에서 단식, 복식 모두 메달을 따봤기때문에 올림픽 마지막 라운드에 서있는 느낌이 어떤지 잘 알겠죠. 나달에겐 올림픽 결승 데뷔이자 첫 메달이기때문에 금메달을 따고 싶은 마음이 아주 강할 거라고 확신해요. 나달의 경기내용을 봤을 때 그가 우승 후보라고 생각하는데 무슨 일이 벌어질지는 아무도 모르는 거니까.
Q. 올림픽 끝나도록 베이징에 머무를 건가 아니면 US오픈 준비하러 갈 건가? N. US오픈 첫 라운드에서 지고 싶으면 여기 머물러야겠죠. 진심으로 베이징에 머무르며 다른 종목 경기도 보고 싶은데 올림픽은 너무 길고 그러지 못하는게 유감입니다. US오픈 준비하려면 이틀, 사흘 안에 출발해야만해요. US오픈은 정말 중요한 대회에요. 올해 탑2~3 선수가 되고 싶은 강한 의욕이 있다면 US오픈에서 정말 잘해야만 하니까요.
Q. 나달의 강세에 대한 의견이 듣고 싶은데, 알다시피 월요일이면 1위가 된다. 이게 얼마나 지속될 거라고 보는지 어떤 생각을 갖고 있는지. N. 그 부분에에 대해선 제가 무슨 말을 해야할지 모르겠네요. 굉장히 예측 불가능한 문제에요. 테니스가 그런 것이고. 부상같은 나쁜 일이 일어난다면 찰나의 순간에 상황이 바뀔 수 있는 거잖아요. 많은 대회가 있고 또 많은 선수들이 그 자리에 오르기 위해 최선을 다하고 있고 그래서 경쟁은 점점 강도가 높아지고 있구요. 올해 테니스라는 종목에 좋은 일이 있다면 더 여러 선수들이 메이저 대회를 우승하고 있다는 겁니다. 경쟁은 더 커졌고, 범위도 더 넓어지면서 테니스팬들의 관심도 더 많이 끌고 있구요. 연말까지 누가 더 많은 메이저 대회 우승을 하게 될지 지켜보는 것도 흥미로울 부분이에요. 단연 나달이 1위가 될 자격이 있구요. 올해 최고의 테니스를 보여주고 있으니 그것에 대해선 의심할 여지가 없죠. 물론 지금부터 그에게 주어진 새로운 도전은 얼마나 오랫동안 그 자리에 머무는가가 되겠지요.
Q. How do you feel? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Very happy. Very happy. I mean, to win any medal in the Olympics is a huge achievement for any athlete I think. Not many of the athletes get a chance to win a medal. But for me, this bronze, which I won here, shines like a gold 'cause I think I've played all the tournament pretty good tennis.
Q. Can you describe the difference between playing something like this as opposed to the Grand Slams? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I think you can compare -- I mean, I was saying before that winning a medal in Olympics has an extremely big value for me. It's important for my career as well as the Grand Slam win. But it's quite different, again, because here you play for your country in the first place. You represent your country. Conditions are different. All the things are different. You know, you just try to have as much as option as you can have, play even doubles, so you can get a medal in such a huge event with the biggest history in the sport, where the top athletes from all the sports all around the world come together and, you know, fight for the medal. So everything comes from zero here, no matter if you're No. 1 of the world or 100, because everybody has motivation more to do well.
Q. Could you describe what is your state of condition now going into the US Open. What is your perception of Nadal and Roger Federer? Do you think Federer has reached his peak? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think I've motivated myself a lot with this bronze medal. As I said, I played really, really good tournament from the start. I think I, as well, had good chances to win the semifinal match against Nadal. Right now I just want to think about my medal and enjoy it, celebrate it, because I've put a lot of effort in it. And then, of course, we don't have much time for celebrations because the fourth and last Grand Slam of this year comes in a week time where I have to be well-rested and well-prepared so I can get really far. Last year I played finals there. I have points to defend. But I feel good there. I like the courts. I like the atmosphere. As I said, this medal will give me a big boost up.
Q. You played a big match against Nadal yesterday. How do you see this final between Nadal and González? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, both of the players deserve to be in the final. Of course, they played great tennis, as well, throughout the week. Well, González already won a medal in Athens, singles and doubles. So he knows what it feels like to be in the last rounds of the Olympic tournament. Nadal will have his debut in an Olympic final and his first medal, so I'm sure he's going to have a lot of motivation to win a gold. The way he's playing, I think he's a favorite, but you never know what's going to happen.
Q. Are you going to stay in Beijing until the end of the Olympic Games or will you start your preparation for the US Open? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I might stay here if I want to lose first round in US Open. I'm afraid I'm not going to stay here because Olympics are too long, even though I would really love to stay and follow other sports. I have to go already in two, three days in time so I can prepare myself for US Open. As I said, it's a really important event. If I have high intentions of being one of the top two, three players in the world in this year, I will have to do well in US Open.
Q. I want to know your opinion about the strength of Nadal. As you know, Nadal will be No. 1 on Monday. Do you believe his reign will be long or what about this? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I don't know what should I say about length of his No. 1 place of the world. You know, it's very unpredictable. Tennis is like that. You know, it can turn around in a split of a second. If something bad happens to you, like injuries, because there is many tournaments and many players willing to get that first place of the world, so competition is getting stronger. And the good thing about tennis this year is that you have many players who are winning some major events. It's a bigger competition, as I said, bigger line. It's more attractive for the fans, for the tennis fans. It's gonna be interesting to see towards the end of the year who is gonna win more major events. Nadal absolutely deserves to be No. 1. He's been playing the best tennis this year. That's no doubt. Now, of course, for him next challenge will be to stay as long as he can there.