인디언웰즈, 인터뷰 모음1 (조코비치)
during the Pacific Life Open tennis in Indian Wells, California, USA, 14 March 2008.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Novak Djokovic (The turning point of his career)
Novak Djokovic (Life changes after Australian Open)
Novak Djokovic (Tonight Show appearance)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Novak Djokovic (Reasons for close match)
Novak Djokovic (Belief in himself)
Novak Djokovic (Motivation to be No. 1)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Novak Djokovic (Confidence level)
Novak Djokovic (Comparing Indian Wells to Aussie Open)
Novak Djokovic (Whether it could be his year)
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, can you hear me? Hello. Well, it was fantastic experience for me, and it was important for me as a professional tennis player to be presented to the American people, the ones who don't follow tennis as much as, you know, the tennis lovers. They all saw me on that show, and this is one of the most watched shows in the states, so I was privileged to be there and to be invited.
Yeah, Jay was funny, like always, of course. That's what it's all about on that show, just to be relaxed and be spontaneous and make a jokes and talk about some things.
It was all spontaneous, 7, 8, 10 minutes of the talk, and I enjoyed really, really a lot.
Q. Did you have a chance to talk to Bill Cosby?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, and I heard he's a tennis fan and he confirmed that, so he told me some stories about him playing the tennis about 50, 60 years ago (Laughter) with a wooden racquet. Obviously I don't remember that time. It's a little bit before my time.
But we made jokes out of it, so he's a great person. Very, very intelligent man, and he's great.
Q. Did you spend time with him little bit after the show, or did you do anything?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: We had a chat backstage before and a little bit after the show. But, you know, I had to come back to Palm Springs and practice. You know, my coach is giving me a hard time, so...
Q. Appearing on that show is one example. How much has your life changed since winning the Australian Open?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You could hear that in the show, I think. Well, it changed a lot, you know, in the professional way, of course. The people are giving me a lot of lot more respect and looking at me in a different way.
I'm happy for that, of course. Obviously, I deserve that and I showed my quality in the last couple of years. The hard work is paying off, but I'm not trying to change as a person. You know, still trying to be funny as Murphy here (Laughter). You know, outgoing and communicative with everybody, and I think I'm doing a pretty good job.
Q. Who would you like to play in the finals?
Q. Who would you like to play in the finals?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think it's still a long way to finals. Still playing first round. Second round, actually. I won't talk about the finals yet.
Q. Do you feel like you're entering now a new stage of your career?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes, I do in some way. I'm coming to this year's event here at Indian Wells as the third player of the world and coming to every tournament now in continuation of the season as a favorite to win it.
I've been playing very consistent last year, so that's one of my goals for this year, just to try to be consistent with the results, and, you know, perform my best tennis in the major events.
You know, as a third player of the world, I have those responsibility now and expectations, of course, pressure. But I think it's a challenge, which I like to have.
Q. About the pressure you just mentioned, how much of an asset is the mental game going to be for you?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, this is a mental game, the bottom line, and everybody's working hard in today's tennis. Physically more or less everybody's 100 percent prepared for most of the tournaments, especially the Spanish guys, South American guys.
You know, we all know that they have this system of practice that they practice five, six hours a day, and it's hard to keep up with them, you know, physical strengthwise. In the end of the day, you know, you get to the important stage of the match, and this is where there is a difference between the top guys and the other guys, the ability to cope with the pressure in the certain moments.
Q. When you're growing up obviously as a kid you think of winning a Grand Slam. When you finally win it, what is the difference? In other words, you've achieved this goal. Are you amazed at it? Delighted? Or are you saying, Boy, I always knew it was there? Is it what you expected?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, actually it's none of that. I just want to win more. (Laughter.)
I'm joking. It is really it's really a fantastic feeling, and you get the feeling that everything you have done, you know, in your life, has paid off in one tournament. Everybody's dream is to win a Grand Slam, any Grand Slam, and I've done it.
Still I'm only 20 years old and still have a long way to my lifetime goal, which is to be No. 1, and hopefully I can stay healthy and play professional tennis in another 10, 15 years.
Q. Andy Roddick decided not to play in the Olympics this year because it's so close to the US Open, which is a priority for him. Where is the Olympics in your list of priorities?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Probably on the top, one of the tops for sure. I mean, come on, Olympics. You get to play Grand Slams every year, you know, four Grand Slams. Olympics you get to play one time in four years, and who knows what will happen in four years for us.
So I will not risk that, and I'll be very honored and privileged to participate in such an event, an event with the most tradition in sport.
Just to be there and feel this atmosphere it's great, so for sure. Hopefully if I stay healthy I'm going to go there.
Q. Are you therefore surprised by his decision?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Everybody has a right, you know, to have his opinion. I don't blame him.
Q. Do you ever think now that you've won the Australian Open that maybe at the Olympics you'd have a chance to carry your country's flag at the opening ceremonies?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: That's a possibility. It's still not 100 percent sure, but if I have this chance, I'll use it for sure.
Q. Whatever is happening in that part of the world right now with your country, does it affect you as a player or privately more? How do you cope with that?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, it doesn't affect me as a player too much, because I got used to the professional life, and I have to think in that direction, you know. I have to focus myself in tennis. This is my life, this is my job, this is what I like to do and I need to do in my life, and all the other things beside that have to be, you know, have to be considered as other things. You know, I have to just put them aside.
Again, privately, as a person, I'm very touched for what is happening. But, you know, I can't affect I can't be affected on the decisions have been made already and the situation that is going on, so only thing I can do is to try to win as much matches and tournaments I can and represent my country in the best possible way.
Q. You gave a video speech to the crowds after the Kosovo situation happened after there was fire at the U.S. Embassy. Why did you decide to come out publicly and talk about it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Because I wanted to give the people support, and I just wanted to let them know that I am there with them and that I'm supporting Kosovo and Serbia.
Q. Frankly speaking, most of the people in the United States, for instance, don't know who President Tadic is, but everybody knows you. Do you sometimes feel obligated to speak on behalf of your people because you're up there right now, and are you going to speak in the future, as well?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, that's now a difficult task to talk about. I think I'm still not intending to get to the politics, and I never have. My life is sport. My life is tennis. That's what I will stick to.
This was a very unique situation, so I did something that I felt doing. So, you know, your question about the president and myself, you know, the Americans know me. They don't know him. That's a different thing.
I mean, I don't know and I haven't watched the stats, but still, as I said, I'm just trying to stick to the tennis.
Q. Not to harp on the Olympics thing too much, but do you feel like the rest of the field feels the same way, as enthusiastic about the Olympics as you are?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I really don't know. You know, I heard some players, they're really looking forward to it. True, the fact the fact is that it's really mixing up a schedule a little bit, and even without Olympics we have a very, very tough schedule. You know, we have to play week after week and go to the other countries, other continents, and the season is very, very long.
Olympics kind of messed up that. But even though it's, you know, you have to you have to give it priority. It's Olympics, so...
Q. Ana Ivanovic said if it was her choice she would pick you to carry the flag at the Olympics?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: And she would win the medal, right?
Q. She wants to make sure you don't take your shirt off while you're doing it.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I'll talk about it, about that with her privately.
Q. What are you doing for fun in and around Palm Springs?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You tell me. I don't know. I don't know what to do.
No, well, there is not much to do here for young people. (Laughter.) This is nothing against the older people. It's just that we younger people would like more action, so it's not much to do except tennis and golf.
I love golf and it's really relaxing. Sometimes you need to be in a place like this to relax to isolate yourself. So many golf courses it's ridiculous.
Just the other day I played golf, and I decide today stop on the seventh hole. I was coming back the same way with my coach, and in one moment I don't know why, we decided to turn right. In 20 minutes we were circling around to the golf courses; every course looks the same.
We ended up in Indian Wells. I don't know how. We were in La Quinta, so...
So that's how it is. But it's it's good to be here. It's a relaxing place.
Q. Things really kick started for you over here last year. You gave that great, pretty solid run. What's it like coming back now after the success of last year?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, it's true. This was the turning point I could say of my professional career.
After this tournament I got to the top 10 for first time in my life, and it turned out to be my most preferred surface and the surface where I play my best tennis: Outdoor hard court. This is encouraging fact for the future, because we have lots of tournaments on the hard court outdoor, and I haven't lost a lot of matches in the past year, year and a half or so on this surface. So it's good to be back, and the crowd here is very enthusiastic. They try to put on the show, and they like entertainment.
So it's good. It's good to perform in front of that.
Q. I know you said radiation on The Tonight Show, but what other reasons do you think the Serbian players have been so successful at this point?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Water, food, mountains.
Q. Are you working on any other imitations like you do with Sharapova in your spare time?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Spare time, it's not the only thing I do in my spare time. I have some other interests, as well. But, no, I wasn't working on imitations. This comes spontaneous obviously. Maybe I have a talent for it.
But I don't think people are going to see a lot of that in the future. Once you do it it's interesting, but if you start doing more and more it can be a little bit annoying. I'll try to stick with tennis for now.
Q. Did you see Pete and Roger, the match the other night?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, it was not televised. I tried to see it, but...
Q. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there was information, at least in the Serbian media, that Pete might be playing with you or hosting you.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, there was talk about that, and unfortunately we couldn't we couldn't make it. We were supposed to practice with each other. He invited me to his home for a week in the time of Dubai tournament, but I decided with the coach that it's better that I play some matches outdoor.
Unfortunately, because of the schedule, we couldn't do that this year, but I'm really looking forward for some other opportunities, if that is possible, in the future.
Q. The pressure is usually on Federer at most tournaments, but it might be fair to say that at Indian Wells and Miami the pressure goes to you and Rafa because you're the two champions. Is that a different position you guys are in?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, it's a little bit different. Looking at the past four years Roger has been very dominant, especially on these events here. Last year he lost here second round; he lost quarters or last 16 in Miami. He doesn't have anything to defend, and he's obviously willing to step it up and to play well here.
He has a little bit less pressure that we have, that's true. Still, he's No. 1 in the world for a long time, and Rafa hasn't been closer ever than now, so he feels it. He hasn't won a tournament still this year, Roger, and the things are a little bit more interesting this year.
You know, you don't have only two players now. You have three, four, five players, you know. Then more and more and more players are believing that they can do it, they can win against Roger on a lot of surfaces and they can win the tournament.
So it's going to be quite interesting to see what's the end of the year.
FastScripts by ASAP Sports....
N. DJOKOVIC/A. Seppi (6-3, 7-6)
Q. Became a little difficult at the end, but otherwise it was okay for you, was it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, it's the first match. You always want to pick up the best things in the match, and try to keep the high level of performance. I started well, and I played first set pretty solid. I played as much as I needed to.
But then suddenly in the end of the second set, match point, since that match point, I started making a lot of mistakes. But anyway it was a very ugly match to watch, a lot of unforced errors. The people who don't who were not in that kind of situation on the court were not professional tennis players.
They don't know what was going on, because it was so windy that you couldn't get the rhythm, so that probably caused a lot of unforced errors.
Q. What's he got about his game? He's beaten Nadal this year. What makes him dangerous?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: He likes to rally. He rhythm and he likes fast balls from the baseline. He's really, really solid on both sides. He has not such a good serve, so he needs to improve on that.
But in total, in general, he's a very, very difficult opponent to play against, especially on the hard courts and indoors. He likes to be low; he likes the speed. So what I was trying to do, I was trying to change the pace a lot, not to give him the same pace, and that's what I did.
So I'm satisfied. It could be better, of course, but we have to look on the brighter side. I won. That's what matters.
Q. I saw your bit on Leno on Thursday night.
Q. It was good. Very entertaining, as usual. Very charismatic. You came on and admitted being nervous, and I was wondering why, considering the big moments performed on the tennis court, you're known for being a good communicator. What made you nervous?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Believe me, it's absolutely different. I was in many shows, and I had tons and tons of interviews in my career, in my life, but this was something else, you know. English is not my first language. I speak it well, but even though I tried I try to be funny, casual, smart, simple, everything, you can't when you're thinking about a thousand things and you have thousand thoughts, what should you say?
With Jay, everything happens so fast. He asks you questions and you have to answer in small period of time. But it was exciting, anyhow. I think it came out in a good way. But even though I had a lot of important matches on tennis courts in front of 20,000 people, this was something else.
Q. How did that all happen that you got on the Tonight Show?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You think I don't deserve?
Q. No, I was just wondering.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I have people working for me. I have agents, and I have a lot of people in my team, so they arranged that. And Jay Jay wanted to host me in the show, so, you know, I realized that it's very important for me to go there, and I was really looking forward to it, because I like that kind of shows because it's very, very relaxed, very outgoing, and you talk about some other things, you know.
You don't talk about tennis, tennis all the time. You don't need to repeat the same answers and questions. He improvised, so it was good.
Q. Do you have an equivalent talk show in Serbia? Anything like that on Serbian television?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Like that, no, but I might do it. I just don't have enough time.
Q. You talked after the match about what this tournament kind of means to you and what it meant to your career last year. Can you kind of expand upon that more, just what this place meant to you?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: After this tournament I got to top 10, you know. So it was the kind of important moment in turning point in my career. I played my first Masters Series finals here, and this is where I think I got that extra thing in my head, which I needed to have. It's confidence, and believe that I can win against the top players and then to be there.
After that, you know, Miami, I won Miami, and more or less uphill since that moment.
Q. Can you talk about that extra thing? Is it more than just confidence? Is it belief?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, it's a belief, I think, in the first place, bottom line, is that this is a very mental sport. As I was saying before, everybody's working hard; everybody's physically ready. The tennis has changed since 15 years, but the difference between the top players, champions, and the other ones is mental strength and ability to play good and important moments.
Q. When did you realize you kind of got that extra, you know, thing? When it kind of switched in your head? Was it immediately after this tournament? Did it take a few weeks?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, you know, it doesn't come right away. Everything takes time. So I was never rushing anywhere. Even though I'm only 20 years of age I had a lot of success and great achievements in career, but I tried always to go step by step. As I said, after this tournament I really felt good.
Q. Malisse or Kohlschreiber in the next round. They're pretty explosive shot makers. Do you like playing against that kind of guy?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes. It's going to be pretty difficult opponent, whoever wins out of those two players, and so I'll try to have a look with my coach actually, and then try to see what I need to play and get a tactic ready.
I haven't played against Malisse or neither Kohlschreiber, so it's going to be a new opponent, new experience, and could be dangerous. But I think both of the players are playing, as you said, the very big shot makers, and I think it fits to my game.
Q. Did you see Kohlschreiber and Roddick? Did you watch that at the Australian Open?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah. I mean, he's a great player and he's very talented and he produces a lot of power and speed. It's strange, because he's not that strong, you know. He's small. But obviously the low balance, you know, helps him.
Q. You mentioned kind of steps in your career. I imagine that a next step would be a No. 1 ranking. Is that something that motivates you, and is that something you think is attainable this year with a good season?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, everything is possible, still, even this season, but I don't want to push myself over the limits. I know what I'm capable of, and I think I know that I have enough quality to be in that spot. But now, of course, it's a matter of time, sooner or later. And even if I don't make my lifetime goal to be No. 1, you know, still it's not going to be the end of the world.
I'm just trying to be focused on what I do 100 percent, go step by step, and the results will come sooner or later.
Q. You've had tremendous success on hardcourts. When you step on a hardcourt, do you walk in feeling like you may be the best hardcourt player in the game right now?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes, of course, considering results that I have made on this surface in last year and a half or so, of course, the people give me a role of the favorite in any match I play, and, of course, one of the best players in the world on this surface.
I don't know. I never wanted to put myself in that position, you know. I am the best on the hardcourt and, you know, everybody else, you know, are not that good. I didn't want, because that gets another extra pressure and of course there is a lot of expectations. I'm aware of that.
And obviously this helps me to improve and to get better and get more experience, and then I like the challenge.
Q. How would you qualify your relationship with Roger Federer at this point?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, we never had any problems. I mean, we are not, I don't know, friends. We don't have such a great friendship, but, of course, I respect his results and him as a sportist (sic), so all credit to that.
Q. Are you working on any other impersonations?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I never work on my impersonations. They just come spontaneous.
Q. So Nadal, you do a lot of great impersonations of Nadal, Andy, Roger, Maria. Which is your favorite one?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know. I wasn't thinking about it too much, but probably Maria.
FastScripts by ASAP Sports....
N. DJOKOVIC/P. Kohlschreiber (6-3, 6-2)
Q. How is your level of confidence at this point of the tournament?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's good. You know, I think I gained something in my game. I figure out with experience how I should play in the first couple of rounds. I was playing the first two matches as much as I needed to. I didn't push myself too much and didn't play on my top, top level.
But, you know, it's two times in the first two rounds straight set victory. It's very much needed. And it's good that I rationally spending energy, and I'm happy for that.
Q. Will you need your top, top level for the next match against Guillermo Cañas?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I think so. Now, of course, upcoming matches are, you know, getting more difficult. Of course it's normal. You're getting to the final stages of the tournament and the players are better.
I played Guillermo one time in Miami last year, and I played one of my best tennis, I think, in that final. It was a three set victory. Seems easy, but still, you know, you got to really work hard for it.
He's kind of player that he's not going to give you a lot of free points, unforced errors. He's going to make you work for it. I expect that, I know.
The good thing is that I have another day to, you know, get ready, recover, and get to that match 100%.
Q. Considering the fact that he's the one who had beaten Federer last year here and then repeated in Miami where you won, how concern you might be because of the fact that he might also know your game and he knows very well obviously Federer's game?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, about Federer, that's another story. We don't need to talk about this. One thing is for sure: He likes playing here. He won against the best player of the world back to back tournaments and he reached the finals in Miami, but I played better than him.
I played finals in Indian Wells and I won Miami, so I don't have to be concerned so much. I think I have enough confidence and enough motivation and I'm matured and I have more experience.
So, you know, we know each other pretty well. There is no secrets. But now whoever is more focused for the game is going to win.
Q. Do you know the schedule for the rest of the event? No now that you're one of the top players, do you get talked to about when you might want to start and how the days will work out?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yeah. You can't you put your request, of course. Whenever you want to play or you think it's the best for you.
But it doesn't need to it doesn't mean that you're going to get that certain period or you know, scheduled match when you wish to be, because we have to as well consider the TV, the tournament, the fans.
A lot of things. It's a lot of details that we need to take care of.
Q. What are your requests?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, they're not all the same. Depending on the date.
Q. You obviously now will play on Wednesday. Do you know what happens after that, if you win?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, we'll take it easy.
Q. Do you know if you play Thursday and if you would have another day and play Friday, Saturday, Sunday?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no. I just watch my next match.
FastScripts by ASAP Sports....
N. DJOKOVIC/G. Cãnas (6-2, 6-2)
Q. What is the level of the confidence at this point of the tournament comparing at the same time in Australia and getting close to that? Are you any better than then?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I think the characteristic of the top players is to play better and better, match after match. So I think I'm doing that. And I'm very happy to finish today's match in straight sets, knowing that Guillermo is a very tough opponent. He runs lot and he gives a lot of balls back.
Obviously I needed to be aggressive and just play my game and just try to, you know, finish the point as soon as possible but be patient at the same time. I did good, and I don't know if I can really compare a performance and level of the game from Australian Open and here in Indian Wells.
But one thing is for sure: I feel physically good and I'm looking forward to the upcoming matches.
Q. Was it tough to wait for your match to come on? Because the match before you was three hours. How tough is it to stay prepared?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it was, yes, but this is a part of the sport. You just have to get used to it. I was trying to relax and get some energy and some food. Just the usual routine before the match. Of course, we were warming up on and off, but, you know, what can you do?
Q. You were very careful to talk about the future, but if you can just allow yourself a little bit considering the Australian, it's already better than last season. Do you feel this is your season?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, there is of course a lot of talks about that. I'm not trying to pay attention on those talks too much, because I don't want to have more pressure than I have.
I know that there is lost of expectations as the third player of the world. Obviously I have a role of the favorite in most of the matches I get in, especially on this surface, which is my favorite and my most preferred.
So I started the year in great shape, and I hope hopefully I can continue going on. Of course, I'm getting closer to the first two spots in the world. But still my goal is to just be consistent as much as I can, even more than last year in major events.
Q. Talk about the next round and what you know about your opponent. I don't know anything about him.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I know a lot about him. We played many times. Last meeting we had was in Vienna in the finals where I won in straight sets and I played one of the best tennis in my career. So I think he's a great player.
You know, he's doing well recently, and he won against some good players in this tournament. Baghdatis and Hyung Taik Lee, of course. He's not going to have anything to lose tomorrow.
We going to play at 2:00. It's going to be very hot. The heat will be big, but of course it's same condition for both of the players.
I'll try to get a tactic ready. There is no secrets. We know each other for a long time, even from the junior circuit. And just be myself. Just be aggressive, as I always play.
Q. I happen to note you're out there on the lawn having some fun, kicking what we call a soccer ball here. How would you describe yourself as a soccer player or football player?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: We call it football.
Q. Yeah, I know that.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yeah, when I was a kid, I always wanted to play football. But, of course desire for tennis was stronger. So I started playing tennis. But I even I always watched football games at home.
Wherever I go, I follow football. This is one of my favorite sports. This is something that I do jury recreationally just for fun with my team, with my coaches.
I just you know, I like it. It's a great atmosphere in the team. I always had great surroundings. I'm really happy that I have people in my team that can be really good friends off the court as well. It's really important for me.
Q. And of the other tennis players, who is the best football player around?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Oh, it's tough to say. Well, obviously the Spanish and Argentinians and South Americans. They really love football, so they have the best skills.
Q. Serbia has also a wonderful basketball and soccer team as well.
Q. Yeah, football. Thank you. But what it's very difficult to buy a tennis racquet now in Belgrade, and that is thanks to you and, of course, and Jelena, Ana, and Janko. Can you elaborate a little bit on that? What does that mean for the country?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it means a lot. First of all, we have to consider that the tennis tradition is not long and not big in Serbia. Just recently, all the media attention and I think people attention is on tennis.
I can say that the tennis is No. 1 sport popularity wise in our country. I'm very happy for that, because we been working hard for that. It's really nice to see a lot of female and male players from Serbia doing well, the people I grow up with. We are the nation of the team sports, as you said. Basketball, volleyball, waterball. These were our successful sports and still are. But obviously the people like something new, and now tennis is individual sport and attracts a lot of especially young kids to play, and it's just crazy. It's really nice to see that.
But still, we didn't have a tennis center, which is very much needed for those kids to develop into the professional players.
Q. Tsonga obviously lost a really close match against Nadal today. Do you expect him to be playing at a level for the rest the year where he can challenge the really top guys?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, if he believes, yes. He has all the elements in the game and the mental ability, and physically he's one of the strongest players in the tour in today's tennis.
It's a matter of belief in himself. If he really does believe that he can be consistent with the results and that he deserves to be there in the top, he can be.
I mean, he showed it in many tough matches in Australia, so there is no reason not to believe that. But again, it's his first serious professional approach, I can say, to the ATP Tour and it's not going to be easy for him mentally to stay consistent.
Q. Did that self belief kick in for you here last year, or was it before that?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, yes. This was one of the turning points, I can say, yeah.
Q. What do you take from Rafa's performance today coming back from 5 2?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, it was an amazingly long match, so well, you know, Rafa, he's used to the long matches already. He's been playing like this for a couple of years. He's mentally one of the strongest players in the world, and of course physically.
So he's the kind of player that never gives up. That's, I think, what Tsonga learned today. Even though he was serving for the match and having a lot of opportunities, there is no giving up for Nadal.
He's going to play every point even if he's losing easy, you know, in the first set. So it's great to see him fighting through, so I think he deserves it.
Q. This issue about believing a couple years ago it was just Nadal and Federer. Now you're in that group. There are really three people they're talking about. The differences between you Nadal and Federer, on any given day, is the believing the biggest part of it, who believes the best that day and doesn't lose their confidence?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Exactly, and the consistency, as well, of the high level of play and consistency of the good results on the major events. Probably that's the most important thing now between us three.
Again, looking at the game in general, we are more or less very much different from each other. You know, we have different styles. So it's good to see some variety in the top of the men's tennis and it's good for the fans to follow up.
Q. Andy Murray was just in here talking a little bit about his actual dreams and how that sort of helped him in his own thinking. Have you had some interesting dreams about tennis? I know it's an unusual question, but I wanted it ask it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think everybody has dreams about a lot of things they want to achieve and experience in the life. I think everybody's dream is to win a Grand Slam. I was always I was dreaming too to be in that position one day and I achieved it. So I was saying after the Australian Open it's like a dream come true, so it really is. But, you know, everybody has a different approach to the tennis. Everybody has different desires and different wishes to succeed.
Q. I was talking about like dream dreams. Like when you wake up in the morning and you're winning Roland Garros.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't understand.
Q. Literal dreams when you're sleeping.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know. Let's go to next question. Enough with the dreaming.
Q. I was just looking up on the Internet and your karaoke at the French Open was very popular. Can you talk about that? Also, I was talking to Lleyton Hewitt and Svetlana Kuznetsova, and they made it sound like they were tricked into it. Can you talk about how that all came about? The "I Will Survive"?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it was spontaneous. It was not planned or something. They just came up to me the day before we were supposed to do it and said, You want to do it? I said, Okay.
You know, I never seen it. Actually, I seen it the year before and I liked it. It's something new. It's great.
Well, you have a lot of time obviously during the day in your daily basis routine. You have to practice, play match or whatever. But still, you have a lot of time. This is something that helps you relax and keep your mind on something else. It was a little bit of improvisation by me, taking off the shirt, but obviously I got into it a lot and but it is a nice experience and I will be more than pleased to do it again.
Q. What will you sing this year?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know.
Q. Thought about it?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I'm thinking of some songs. I'll keep it as a secret.
Q. There's a top 10 list and you were No. 1. Who are the other players?
Q. Could you have done it without taking off your shirt and still been No. 1?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No. I was surprised of being No. 1, because I thought for sure there was someone better. I was screaming in the microphone, just taking off the shirt and obviously some girls voted for me.
Q. Who did you like of the ones that you did see? Which ones impressed you?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I liked Rafa's "La Bamba." Yeah, I haven't seen all. I like the year before that Hewitt was singing "Eye of the Tiger" and it was characteristic for him.
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