몇가지 공감가기도 하고 인상적이었던 코멘트들 읽으면서 저장해봤어. 따로 번역해놓지 못하는 쇟을 용서해주길 바래~
- Whatever he will say, it's gonna be another storm at MTF, with at least 3 new or bumped threads about him, his persona and family (다행히 별내용이 없어서 후폭풍은 없었지만..)
- I think he'll do well in America over the years. He loves to joke around, he loves attention, he has opinions on everything, isn't scarred to stand up to others...Americans are gonna love him. Especially if he wins USO. Even though Federer has 12 grand slams and countless other titles, I get the feeling that Americans are indifferent when it comes to him. They know he's a great tennis player, but he's not exactly Agassi or even Roddick when it comes to popularity in the States.
- Novak says he's playing the Olympics. I hope i wasnt the only one to notice that his shirt wasnt buttoned properly..looks like he missed one. (다시 봐야겠음)
- Although man if I were Novak's girlfriend I would not be pleased with him.. first talking about women getting better looking after he wins a Slam, then like.. being weird about Sharapova.ㅎㅎ
- Nice posts, guys...and we knew it all. Novak has not done or said anything we had not already seen or hear before...I agree with the statement that his intelligence as passion are the main engines of his performance, which help him to improve his physical skills. I'm not agree with Aloimeh that "He and his family have been lacking in tact and humility".
I don't see him performing the same attitude as his father was. What he should have done? To spit at his family in front of cameras? He owes them a lot, not only for money they spent on his development, but also for great moral supporting he always gets. But, I'm sure he said a lot to his father face to face, because things seemed a little bit different when they came in Belgrade. I'm pretty sure we all had similar situations in our lives. I think he actually act honorable towards his parents, although we don't like his father at all. Me personally, don't find his mother unlikable. She's just too exited mom, what is understandable. And those "bad" comments coming from the individuals in public on court makes him anger which produces some really good shots. Who knows how would you act? Don't judge so harsh. See, Aloimeh, lot of nasty comments according to your background really pissed you off on this forum, wouldn't be similar on the court? And, HAHAHA, "ponding the person". Aloimeh is really great guy and I find his sig (as before as now) as the proof of his may be even too big love for Novak.
- I guess the haters didn't watch the interview, otherwise they'd be making remarks such as:
He doesn't want to be a girl-sexist!
He only knows Serbian jokes-racist and Serbian supremist!
Etc. etc ㅠㅠ
- 언제까지 되려나 영상 다운로드
길지도 않은 내용을 포럼서 후기를 훑고 갔더니 그나마도 진짜 새로운 내용이 하나도 없더라.ㅎㅎㅎ 아마 안들린 문장은 포럼에서 못본 내용이 아닐까 싶음. 암튼 메인 게스트 아닌 건 알고 있었음에도 어찌나 짧은지 당황했어. 체감 시간 3분? ㅎㅎ
**포럼서 후기 읽으면서 들었던 생각.
-미국에선 테니스가 그다지 인기 스포츠가 아니구나. 워낙 스포츠 대국이라 딱히 뭐랄 건 없어도 그동안 배출한 특급 선수들이 많아서 저변도 넓고 테니스 치는 사람도 많을 거라 생각했는데.. 어제 쇼프로가 테니스 확산에 도움이 되길 바라는 댓글 몇개 본 것 같음.
-어제 그 쇼프로를 본 사람, 또 그 걸 포럼까지와서 이야기 하는 사람이라면 기본적으로 조코비치 팬일 확률이 90%쯤 되려나? 그래서 그런지 아니면 외향적인 성향에 호의적인 문화라 그런지 대체적으로 미국팬들한텐 분위기가 나쁘지 않더라.
**보면서 들었던 생각.
-누가 바보처럼 웃더란 이야길 하던데 시작하자마자 그 말이 너무 공감됐어.ㅎㅎㅎ 왜 사람들 긴장되면 얼굴 근육 잔뜩 굳어서 평소 웃는 표정같지 않고 뻣뻣하게 헤헤헤 웃는 거 있잖아. 딱 그래 보이는 거야. 다른 인터뷰 영상 봐도 잘만하길래 긴장할 거란 생각은 전혀 못했었는데 이런 모습 새롭더라.ㅋ
-의자 깊이가 짧아서 다행이라는 거. 어젠 어차피 긴장해서 그러기도 어려웠겠지만 다른 때 보면 몸을 너무 뉘이며 앉아있어서 거만하게 보는 사람 있을까봐 걱정했는데 긴장한데다 의자가 기럭지에 안맞으니 계속 들썩 들썩~ 그러느라 편히 앉아있을 새가 없었음. 오래 했으면 어쩔 뻔했어.ㅎㅎ
그나저나 올림픽은 무조건 출전이군하~ ㅎㅎ 이왕 하기로 했으니까 체력 관리 잘하길~